Ayurveda is a holistic system of healing that has its roots in ancient India, It is thought by many scholars to be the oldest healing system existent on the planet. The Ayurvedic definition of health is “he whose mind, body, and senses are full of bliss.” Using diet, herbs, lifestyle practices, and rituals, we create space for your body’s own innate healing capacity.

Benefits may include…

  • Feeling joyful, like you are experiencing all of life

  • Reduced inflammation & digestive symptoms

  • Improved mood, energy levels, sleep, and mental clarity

  • Improved fertility and libido

  • Understanding your unique constitution and which foods, habits, and routines create balance for you


  • PSYCHE - Ayurveda recognises that all dis-ease begins in the mind. We will look at psychological tendencies and use ayurvedic tools to create mental harmony. Inner-peace leads to world peace.

  • SOMA - The body will be our central focus. Areas of focus may include diet, exercise, lifestyle, herbs, sleep, and sex. Together we will create easy-to-implement practices and protocols to create harmony in the body.

  • SPIRIT - Life without connection to spirit is dull and dry. We will together explore various paths to connect with the God of your own innerstanding. This may be through meditation, prayer, connection to nature, or embodiment.

“I feel so much more grounded, connected to myself and nature. My emotions have stabilised and I feel more freedom and an innate sense of joy from moment to moment.”

- Isabella


  • one month journey

    Have me in your pocket for a month as we embark on this journey towards true health. A complete system reboot as we dive deep into untangling the knots that are preventing you from shining. I’ll be with you every step of the way.


    • 4 x 60 minute 1:1 consults

    • personalised hand outs, homework, and recipes

    • 1 year access to the Studio Ojas Membership Platform

    • Overflow e-book

    • Access to me via WhatsApp during the month. Ask any questions and receive the support you need (between the hours of 9-5 Monday- Friday).

    $1,000 AUD | sessions are 60 minutes and take place online via Google Meet or in person in Byron Bay.

    To enquire or to book, please fill out the application form below.

“I really loved how Cat was able to take this wonderful and ancient practice and ground it in my life today, with goals and actions that feel achievable, understandable and are already having a positive impact on my life”

- Mat