discover your mindbody type.

We are all completely unique. However Ayurveda recognises that we tend to fall into one of three categories: vata, pitta, or kapha.

Discover your mindbody type here. And let me know your results when you’re done! I’m so excited to know your score! Continue reading below to learn more about the doshas.

How did you score?

You may have had a high tally for one of the three types, perhaps you scored a hight amount for two or even all three (making you tri-doshic). Whatever you scored, it’s all perfectly normal. Let’s dive a little deeper into understanding the doshas and their gifts and hindrances…

Vata Dosha

Vata type people tend to be the spiritual, creative, expressive types. They have the natural gift of intuition and are the visionaries in our society. Often appearing tall with long limbs and a whimsical air to them, vata people are more prone toward having dry skin, hair, and nails, digestive issues such as bloating and constipation, and can come across as air-headed or floaty. Vata people can easily suffer with anxiety and feeling fearful.

If you are somebody who scored high in the vata category, you will benefit greatly from having a structured routine (although you may hate routine). Favour eating warm and well cooked food like soups, curries, and stews over dry, crunchy, light food like crackers and salads (your favourite, I know). Do your best to stay warm and moisturised and you will thrive. For more dosha specific advice, join the Studio Ojas membership for vata pacifying recipes, yoga practices, and more.

Pitta Dosha

Pitta type people are the fiery, high achievers of our society. Often found in positions of power and authority, pitta people naturally have the capacity to lead with discernment and clarity. The downside of this is that pitta people can have a tendency to be overly intense, argumentative, and critical. They In unbalanced, they can become dictators. Pitta people can suffer with skin issues like rashes, hives, and sensitivity to the sun and digestive issues like indigestion, IBS, and acid reflux.

If you scored high on for pitta, you will benefit greatly from staying cool. Switch out the high intensity interval training for a leisurely walk in nature and an afternoon swim. Although you love competition, it takes you further out of balance. Avoid spicy and oily foods. Take a shot of all natural aloe vera juice every day. For more helpful practices, recipes, and more, check out the Studio Ojas online membership, or consider 1:1 ayurvedic coaching so you can cut straight to the chase.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha people are the earth mamas of society. Naturally nurturing, kind, and stable. Kapha people are reliable, they have endurance, and rarely burn out. Kapha people make the best friends as they will always have your back. Solid, strong, beautiful humans. When out of balance, kapha people can be lazy couch potatoes. Naturally prone to be overweight and deal with issues including fluid retention, congestion, sluggish digestion, depression, and hypothyroidism.

To stay in balance, kapha people benefit from more dynamic styles of exercise, eating plenty of warming digestive spices like ginger and black pepper, spending time outdoors in the sunlight and implementing regular detoxing therapies like dry body brushing, self-massage, and sauna. For more kapha-licious tips and tricks, have a peep into the Studio Ojas online membership.